lifelog 0 - no social, always more drunk

This is my first Life Log - a weekly (or monthly, I did not decided yet) - post where I tell about my life to whole internet instead of tell my businesses through social networks.

Yeah, I have to confess that I watched The social dilemma and that's one of the reasons of my "unsocialnetworking". I only uninstalled Facebook and Instagram: in one week I saved 4-5 hours of my life, my metal sanity and around 200 notifications. Facebook reminds me, every damn day, about my 424242 notifications not seen of 424242 events I don't give a fuck about.


I'm studying more and more and projecting a plane for run away. Maybe in Caribbean Islands or New Zeland. I don't hate Sicily but, oh my god, I have two balls huge everyday more. As my girlfriend says: "this is just a little, normal, daily mental break down". So let me complain, in particular about 40€ spent yesterday on alcohol. Ric, if you are reading these words, I hate you!

The reality is I like being a programmer with a love for cooking and porn (these two things are not related, don't think badly)... and I love my city. Just, all of us want the things that we don't have. In my case: I'd want see Danube River from the window of a Tesla, while drinking a beer bought at Szimpla Kert.

PS: I'm also improving my english, because I'd like to be a fashion blogger and this blog is just the beginning of a brillant career. However, now I'm saving these words on the internet and quit cause I'm not really sober yet.


Written on September 27, 2020