lifelog 3 - doing procrastinating stuff
This log has become monthly rather than weekly, but, of course, the week is boring for everyone.
Last year (Nov. 24th, 2019) I was in Budapest, spending more time with my gf at the Gellért thermal baths, and today I'm inundated by university exams. Thanks a lot, Databases
and Maths
My beard and hair are growing weird. I've a strange curiosity about it, for this reason I've not yet decided to cut them.
Nerd Stuff
At work, I'm testing things like Sentry and Dokku. I feel more like a real programmer when I use this type of software instead of taking a UI on Adobe XD and putting the HTML/CSS/JS code inside a git repository.
I had the brilliant idea of installing Debian, again -.-".
I wiped the partition, increased it (it was only 80GB, fuck) and tried to install it. It was wasteful when I say that I spent 4 hours concluding nothing, damn ethernet drive. I re-installed Ubuntu, but this time, Ubuntu Mate! Nothing changed, just a couple of GB saved.
I also re-structured my gitconfig
file and generated a GPG key, so I can sign my commits now. This looks like a pro to me.
I'm using Twitter now, more like a passive stupid procrastinating student than a smart boy. But, what can I say about?! The reality is:
I'm not late for exams: I'm just lazy. I need to do something always different to keep my curiosity and focus. Doing the same things more and more causes me an innate sense of boredom and discomfort. Maybe I'm weird, or maybe I'm just human.
I want to share a pic of Budapest from last year, because I realized that I don't miss Budapest, I miss the curiosity of discovering new stuff, and Budapest was.
You can check the movie list I watched since nov 14th.