lifelog 8 - the second summary of the year

For the second year here I am, writing a summary of my year. I've blogged twice this year + that time I wrote about my cgit instance.

2020 looks like yesterday and somewhat similar, but this year has been more hectic. I've decided to devide this post into sections.


I'm not a really social blogger, so I use this blog to post my thoughts once a year. I should use something like Twitter or Mastodon to do this during the year, in post(s) of 120-140 chars but, you know, meh, I'm lazy.

I have officially deactivated my Facebook account. Why not delete? Well, maybe in another blog post I'll write about this decision.

I use Twitch every day more, but I'm a nerd, so I use it for Software and game development category, not really for the original scope of the platform. I don't play games often so I think watching other people play games I don't know at all is a boring sport.

Books & Movies

This year I've watched 62 movies and a number of tv series not really specified anywhere. I also read some books, extras from my university classes. I recently finished reading A philosophy of software design and really enjoyed reading it, most of all for all the tips for a good sourcecode. A friend gifted me Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools maybe not very young but it's something good to start. Maybe next year you'll read about my own programming language.

This year I read my OS class book about 3 times. But I also wanted read the online chapter about "how to start writing an operating system" but I did not 'cause other exams.

2 narrative books are not enough so, in 2022, I want to improve this number!


This year I flew again! I've been, with my gf, in Florence and Pisa.

I remembed that first time I saw the Duomo of Florence I had a kind of Stendhal. The next ~240042 times I saw it, the feeling was the same 🙃.

Pisa is really cheap. A true university city. This below is a picture of the Math department.

pisa 7/9/21

You recognized the sticker, right? 😏

I've already planned some new destinations for the next year 🥰.


I do not use MATE anymore, or almost, I use its packages like Caja or Atril, but now I'm using i3 WM. It's cleaner than GNOME 2 and I really like this. Of course I've also MATE in this laptop but I'm thinking of moving completely to i3 removing the MATE packages I don't use.

Here a list of nerd things I've done:

  • I changed VIM to NeoVim.
  • I tried Fish shell and back to zsh.
  • I've deployed a cgit instance.
  • I """bought""" VMs from Oracle and DigitalOcean.
  • I bought sticker prints of my tattoo.
  • I improved my Rust by doing a Telegram bot, some contributions on Github projects, a project for my Database class and started the AoC 2021 (after the holidays I'll check other days and try to resolve them).
  • I've really improved my C thanks to my OS, Networks and Distributed Systems classes.
  • I've started hacking microcontrollers.

Something I wanted to do but I didn't:

  • A package for Ubuntu/Debian after reading all the documentation 😞.
  • Read more about Zig 😞.
  • Read more about OpenCL 😞.

Maybe next year!

Good Proposals

A bachelor degree would be really cool 😂!

I'd like to get back to normal every day more (safely of course). Do the three "I wanted to do but I didn't" things from the previous section. Travel and discover new places. And post more on this blog, hoping someone will read the posts.

And, of course, world peace.

I obviously conclude by forgetting a lot of things that I don't know where to put in these sections or that I don't want to share on the Internet, because, you know, on the Internet, nobody knows I'm a dog.

PS: 💉 yourself!

Written on December 31, 2021